Nicolas Szilas Research -->  LIFIA Period 1992-1995

Neural Networks group

46, av. Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex 1

* Lifia was restructured in 1995; a large part of it entered the Leibniz research lab. Leibniz was later restructured into several labs.


Leibniz (previsouly Lifia) is a major computer science research lab in Grenoble, France. Within Leibniz, the neural networks group does interdisciplinary research on learning and artifical neural networks, with a strong focus on cognitive science (Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Psychology, Linguisitics).
I spent more than 4 years at LIFIA, during my DEA (Master Thesis), PhD and postdoctoral period. I covered both very specialized technical topics, like recurrent neural networks and broader issues in cognitive science, like progressive learning and automatization theories. As part of the first class of the cognitive science degree course in Grenoble, I founded and animated In Cognito, the oldest cognitive science student association in France.
   Recurrent nets
   Physical modeling
   Progressive learning

   RR 972-I

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